Travel Insurance is something I always STRONGLY advise about purchasing. As a Travel Advisor I cannot make you buy it. However, you might change your mind after reading this article a handful of Travel Advisors put together after having medical issues themselves and knowing what has happened to clients in the past. The rest is really up to know. But when you know, you know.
Why get Travel Insurance? Explaining travel insurance is really not about trip cancelation or interruption, it's about medical coverage that can potentially bankrupt you or even worse. If refused, my clients must sign a document saying they understand their risk and are willing to take full responsibility. (Waiver) One other important thing (after much studying on insurance) is to have a policy that pays direct. Most people do not have large amounts available on their credit cards if they have to pay and then be re-imbursed. The other big thing that most people don't know is to make sure of the alcohol tolerance allowance. Most work place and credit card insurances are null and void if the patient has had over 0.07% alcohol (aka 1 drink). When a client says they have it through one of these places I tell them to call and find out about these two things. If they have to be reimbursed then they need to look for a better policy. If the company cannot say about the alcohol tolerance allowance then they need to go and look for a better policy. I take insurance very seriously with my clients and can tell them lots of stories from people who have had insurance and those who have declined. In the end if they refuse a Waiver is Required. If the client chooses to decline it if they want. When they decline, it reminds them nicely that their personal health insurance is not valid while traveling and that emergency care in other countries may require full prepayment before any services are rendered. Almost everyone buys the insurance after that. No one in the states ever seems to know that our health insurance, including Medicare and Medicaid, are not valid when you are outside of the country. There are some policies through Blue Cross/Blue Shield and Aetna that MAY provide medical protection overseas. Also, it's not about trip cost protection, it's protecting your assets if anything happens. If you own a house, a car, a retirement fund, is it worth risking it to save a couple hundred upfront? Medical insurance when travelling to the Mexican Caribbean needs to be NON NEGOTIABLE. I know I cannot force insurance, but emergency medical alone is very inexpensive and can literally save lives. From an Agent who lives in Mexico: Just heard a horrible story about a tourist who does not have insurance...I hope it has a happy ending health wise, but certainly will not for their life savings. The tourist hospitals here are ruthless. Don’t take the chance – it is NOT worth it. You will be REQUIRED to sign a Declining Insurance Waiver if you don’t. Note: Fellow agent tripped off a curb, in Mexico. 35K USD, pins and plate in arm. She had good insurance. She said there were gurneys lining hall with patients waiting for their insurance and/or funds from home before they would be treated. Some had been waiting in a hall for over 24 hrs. I use this example all the time. A waiver acknowledging that they have been made aware of insurance and are refusing our advice and are knowingly traveling without it and the associated potential financial risks is absolutely required from all Clients. Also-it's so unfair to put pressure on friends and family via something like a Go Fund Me because you didn't want to fork out $50 to cover your HEALTH. An Advisor’s personal experience- 100% a necessity. Dec 2023 I got hurt at XelHa and had to go to the hospital. Before treatment, they immediately took payment from my credit card $2000 usd. Granted that covered ALOT but all of that came back to me. Those clients who have made claims to help remind people why it’s important. Please understand and be aware that without it, nothing I can do to help. If you can’t afford the insurance you definitely can’t afford the emergency or financial loss. Share
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Pat Aitken
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